Movie Night: Sugar – The Bitter Truth

This is a MUST WATCH video! I have actually watched this a few times to really nail it home why I quit sugar and I really needed this video while I was quitting sugar. Sometimes I think back to all the soda I have drunk over my lifetime (I am in my 30’s! shhh don’t tell!) and I am appalled that I just never knew any better!!

9 Cup Challenge

MOVIE NIGHT Increasing your wellness education Sugar The Bitter Truth

Hi Sweet Learners,

Tonight our movie night is Sugar The Bitter Truth.  This is an 89 minute video on the impact of sugar and fructose on your body from the University of California.  This is a really interesting video that provides a great in-depth scientific view to how your body’s organs react to fructose.  This also gives a better view to the obesity epidemic.

You will certainly want to read your food labels after viewing this one.

What I really like about the video is the stats and scientific view to food and your wellness.  Your brain actually is fooled into thinking it is starving and wants more fructose.  Watch the video and see how the cycle of fructose creates an unhealthy state of wellness.  It will make you never want to serve fructose to your kids in the form of a sports drink.

May your weekend be filled with sweet, healthy relationships and wellness education.


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Chocolate Peppermint Patties (Raw, Grain-free, dairy-free, sugar-free)

This looks like a fantastic recipe. I tend to make smaller portions of recipes in case I don’t like them or if I like them too much! I would sub out maple syrups and go for Stevia, Xylitol or even try this with a touch of dextrose.

Sustainably Nourished



I found this yummy recipe that was a copy of one of the yummiest winter-time (or any time) treats!

Very few ingredients, and didn’t take too long to make. This is adapted from—she had it set for what seems like one person, but I had to quadruple it!

Chocolate Peppermint Patties (about 12 in mini muffin tins)

3 TBS water

1/2 C coconut butter (to make just food process shredded raw coconut till butter consistency)

1/2 tsp pure peppermint extract (or as desired)

2 TBS agave or pure maple syrup, or stevia drops to taste

1/2 grapeseed oil (you can use coconut oil but it makes the chocolate taste like it…grapeseed is neutral)

1 cup cocoa powder

3 TBS water

1/2 C raw agave or pure maple syrup

Combine first 4 ingredients in a little bowl. (Best if the coconut butter is not melted.) In a separate bowl…

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Quitting Sugar …

Quitting Sugar was not as easy as everyone says it should be. It actually took me around 4 goes before I actually stuck with it. That is 4 goes over a few years. Sugar was definitely not something I could easily kick…

Read more about my journey to quitting sugar, the many, many benefits of quitting sugar and how you can take control today!